Missing filter through all websites within UI/UX context: xFilter

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Lately I’m looking for new job opportunity. That is good User Experience insight. I have taken User Journey at job portals like pracuj.pl, justjoin.it, nofluffjobs.com, theprotocol.it, solid.jobs, adzuna.pl, praca.pl, jooble.org. For me as a User using those portals it is not so much suitable as it could be. There are filters to put job offers through funnel to get positions involving f.e. only .net and C# technology stack. It takes me a time to look over offers including mentioned technologies, however, sometimes offer includes f.e. Python. I’m not comfortable with Python coding language at this moment. Why I can not take opportunities including .net and C# but excluding Python!? We are missing negative filters. I want to have negative xFilter at those portals as well.

The question is what KPI (Key Performance Indicator) should be up there at those all services. Job offering services only? No! This applies to all, also to shops like Zara, Desigual, H&M and many other clothing brands. It applies to many industry sectors. Even so remarkable brand as boooking.com is included. Within my journey the KPI should taken and kept in mind that I want to reach the goal as fast as possible as a client. Not to lose to much time as far I know what I want, more or less. Those sites aren’t press services, social media like a Facebook or so. For the information service KPI is that User spend as much time as he has traveling through as many interesting him articles. However, for the job service or clothes store and many others User knows what he is looking for. The Time should be as shortest as much it can be. KPI for those should to be reshaped, think over again.

Example of the theprotocol.it

I somehow feel uncomfortable, maybe even angry about those filters at this site. I can pick up positive filters to take backend, .net and SQL to get results. However, many offers include Python. I need to look over offer details and discard those with Python included. My journey is taking longer that I want. I know what I’m looking for. Decision has been taken before sitting in the front of the computer. Why I’m losing time to all those offers details? We are missing negative filter (xFilter) which will be able to exclude all offers with Python. I’m not ready to code in Python at this moment. I’m learning it, but level is poor at this very moment. Overall, the User Journey, UX is not satisfying.

Example from the theprotocol.it https://theprotocol.it/filtry/.net,sql;t/backend;sp

Example from the theprotocol.it: https://theprotocol.it/filtry/.net,sql;t/backend;sp

Example of Zara

Journey from Zara is much more complicated. As my better second half is trying to find shoes it is not easy. Second half knows which shoes she wants. High heels, all right. There is problem that she wants to filter out all red coloured once. She wants all high heels but shoes not in red colour. In Zara website this is not so obvious. Zara website store is total mid fuck, in my opinion BTW. Why are they taking me for a so long journey? Taking fresh look at Zara website I found out there is no red colour at all looking up to filters. Missing red is not a problem. Problem is about filters in general. Example below shows black colour shoes filter matter. Filters are missing negative Not Black colour option.

Example from the Zara: https://www.zara.com/pl/en/woman-shoes-heeled-l1271.html?v1=2419179

Example of Desigual

This example has red colour for shoes not like Zara. Good. User more or less knows what he/she wants. To exclude red colour he/she needs to put pin marks to Black, Blue, Brown, Green, White. Pinning all colours only to exclude red one? Journey is taking to long! Where is Not Red!? Somehow to my thoughts is coming up User/Client Selection Problem. That is the reason why when daily food shopping products at shelves are labelled as most chosen or within promotion price range. Labels are helping Customer to make decision before user will be so tired and leaves. Screenshot from Desigual below.

Example from the Desigual: https://www.desigual.com/pl_PL/akcesoria/obuwie/obuwie

Example of Booking.com

For example, I had bad experience with accommodation Guesthouses. Using Booking.com web service, to exclude the Guesthouses, I need to mark: Exclusive houses and apartments, Apartments, B&B facilities, Hotels, Hostels, Holiday homes and Private accommodation. Many pins just to exclude Guesthouses. Long journey. That is not comfortable. Many decisions are taken beyond web service, in real life. Again, I’m missing xFilter, the excluding one. Why is my User Experience journey taking me so long?! Providers are making sometimes so many features and are missing this one. I will keep emotions for summary, now Booking platform example screenshot below. Maybe I don’t need parking so I want to get all offers without parking place as they will be cheaper. Where is the xFilter within this web service?!

Example from Booking: https://www.booking.com/searchresults.pl.html?ss=Umag&ssne=Umag&ssne_untouched=Umag&label=gen173nr-1BCAEoggI46AdIM1gEaLYBiAEBmAEeuAEXyAEM2AEB6AEBiAIBqAIDuAKd8bK9BsACAdICJDdkNGZmMjRmLTQ0MDgtNDZhYS1hODU0LTVlZjZjNmY2OWE0YdgCBeACAQ&sid=a396c01be1c5acba2fe57985b36759cf&aid=304142&lang=pl&sb=1&src_elem=sb&src=index&dest_id=-99181&dest_type=city&checkin=2025-02-12&checkout=2025-02-13&group_adults=3&no_rooms=1&group_children=0

One more explanation from Booking.com. Final one. I want to book accommodation above one star standard. To achieve that I need to check up options for 2, 3, 4, 5 stars. 4 steps within User Journey path. If there will be xFilter, negative filter I will pass this path just with one click – checking up excluding option for 1 star only. Just one step. Journey is much more short, more faster. Even from technical point of view query to database, user send 1 request instead of 4. What I’m talking about in screenshot below.

Example from Booking: https://www.booking.com/searchresults.pl.html?ss=warszawa&ssne=Umag&ssne_untouched=Umag&label=gen173nr-1BCAEoggI46AdIM1gEaLYBiAEBmAEeuAEXyAEM2AEB6AEBiAIBqAIDuALFtPa9BsACAdICJDdjY2RjOTExLTg5MmQtNGM0Yy04YzA4LTlmZTI1NTE2NGY4Y9gCBeACAQ&sid=a396c01be1c5acba2fe57985b36759cf&aid=304142&lang=pl&sb=1&src_elem=sb&src=index&dest_id=-534433&dest_type=city&ac_position=0&ac_click_type=b&ac_langcode=pl&ac_suggestion_list_length=5&search_selected=true&search_pageview_id=a8c84923a1dc00d5&ac_meta=GhBhOGM4NDkyM2ExZGMwMGQ1IAAoATICcGw6CHdhcnN6YXdhQABKAFAA&checkin=2025-02-25&checkout=2025-02-26&group_adults=3&no_rooms=1&group_children=0

Summary finally.

I will be choosing laptop next week. That will be hard according to filters. I will be probably willing to excluding AMD processors. x-kom will be probably the giving me only positive filters option. Why x-kom? Good physical experience from years before. No viral at all, just good experience from time in the past. However, I’m expecting that I will not be able to exclude AMD processors. As a teenager I was buying AMD processors and be happier from that than those days. Those days it doesn’t really matter to me that much. It’s more about the marketing game of brand value. Option A or B. Looks likes A/B tests. Much more eCommerce concept. Nevertheless, I want to be able to exclude B option. This concept will short out my journey at web services. A/B tests? Maybe someone will drive those A/B tests through those services and check if that will increase customers satisfaction. Shorter journey f.e. at cloths store? Mark long term relation? attachment to brand? I remember many of those concepts from Paweł Tkaczyk and Brand24.pl.

If someone, it doesn’t matter if that will be single freelancer developer or brand. I will be very much happy that this xFilter will come to life. The only thing is that I want to at the code level this solution will get code name: xFilter. X letter is suitable for this mechanism. X is present from a long time, even at od Windows system to close windows. Besides, X is popular, Elon Musk changed a Twitter name to X, many companies and products have X in their name. xFilter will be a good name. You can take this not bad idea, no problem. My request is to name it xFilter and mention about me through the Internet.

Thank you very much, Red Martin from take.red.

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